

The Facts around Methylamphetamine and rental property contamination.

Why end of lease sampling might save you in the long run. When purchasing a home, it’s common practice for conscientious buyers to arrange pre-purchase building and pest inspections. However, one often overlooked consideration is whether the property might be contaminated with illicit substances. Approximately 48% of rental properties in Australia test positive for illicit …

The Facts around Methylamphetamine and rental property contamination. Read More »

Post construction cleaning | Sydney Wollongong & Hunter restoration

DIY vs. Professional Post-Construction Cleaning: What You Need to Know

The Importance of Post-Construction Cleaning After completing a construction project, the real challenge begins—cleaning up the mess left behind. Post-construction cleaning is essential to make a new or renovated space safe and livable. This process involves removing debris, dust, and residue that can pose health risks and diminish the space’s overall appeal. Here’s what you …

DIY vs. Professional Post-Construction Cleaning: What You Need to Know Read More »

Mould removal | Sydney Wollongong & Hunter restoration

Why Mould Removal is Crucial for Your Home’s Health and Safety

Understanding the Dangers of Mould Mould is more than just an eyesore; it’s a health hazard and can seriously damage your home. In places like Australia, with its humid climate, mould can quickly become a recurring issue. Here’s why getting rid of mould is essential for your home’s health and safety. Health Risks Associated with …

Why Mould Removal is Crucial for Your Home’s Health and Safety Read More »

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